Ramstein Bazaar Gives Back:
KMC Scholarships

Along with the Kaiserslautern Landstuhl Spouses’ Association (KSLA) and the Ramstein Enlisted Spouses’ Association (RESA), ROSC was able to fund 93 merit-based scholarships to high school seniors, current university students, and military spouses from the Kaiserslautern Military Community! Scholarships ranged from $500 to $5,000, and a total of $125,000 was awarded. Scholarship applicants were selected based on their grades, activities, community service, awards and honors, employment, and a written essay. These scholarships would not have been possible without the support of the community. Congratulations to all recipients!


Sherrill Slusher

Roane State Community College

The KMC Scholarship is a second chance for Sherrill Slusher, a military spouse living in the Kaiserslautern Military Community. “More than 20 years ago, I didn’t know how to apply for any scholarships. I had no financial aid, and I didn’t have any guidance on how to apply for it. This is the first time I’ve been guided on how to apply for a scholarship. So, I’m excited I got something on my own, and I’ll be better equipped to guide my own children into college and scholarships.”

The KMC Scholarship benefits not only high school and current university students, but includes spouses who desire to pursue higher education. With this scholarship money, Sherrill attends Roane State Community College in Tennessee through online courses. “It’s not just the money. It’s the fact that I could get something on my own. My career goal is to be more than just a stay-at-home mom. I’m very likely going into the medical field, possibly a labor and delivery nurse like my German grandmother.”

To the KMC Community, Sherrill said, “Thank you for all the fundraising you’ve done to fund a scholarship. I wouldn’t have even known how to apply to something like this without all of the people who fundraise for this scholarship." This community impact inspired Sherrill to volunteer for the Ramstein Bazaar as well. "It's a joy to be a part of the Ramstein Bazaar, because of the lasting friendships within our American and international communities. I love working with our vendors from all over Europe. But most importantly, I love what the Bazaar represents. I know that my volunteering is helping fund scholarships like the one I received."

Alexis Pierre-Louis

Florida State University

Alexis’ dream career was inspired by her aunt. “My aunt is a doctor, and she is one of my biggest role models, and I’ve always looked up to her.”

Alexis got the opportunity to visit the hospital where her aunt works as a doctor, and it was an eye-opening experience. “After shadowing my aunt, that’s when I knew that’s what I wanted to do.” Alexis says she would like to go into research into physical therapy, specifically finding new ways to treat patients. 

To the KMC Scholarships committee and the community, Alexis said, “You guys have worked so hard to raise money for us and for higher education. Thank you so much for your hard work. The KMC Scholarship gives me funding to go to college and have some money to put aside towards books and other materials. It really means a lot to me.”

Catherine, Eleanor & Andrew Hickman

2023 has been a big year for the Hickman family. The youngest sibling, Andrew Hickman, has just graduated Ramstein High School and is heading to the University of Oklahoma in the fall to study Biology. Andrew’s dream is to become an OB/GYN. “I have chosen my intended career because of my participation in my high school’s Health Science II program, where I had the opportunity to intern at LRMC and practice patient care,” said Andrew. “This experience has broadened my knowledge of the medical field and heightened my interest in working in a hospital.”

Andrew’s older sisters Catherine and Eleanor also received a KMC Scholarship. Catherine is at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying Political Science, German, and Arabic. She’s also a member of her university’s Air Force ROTC and plans to commission into the Air Force as an Information Operations or Intelligence Officer next year. “For four years now, the KMC Scholarship has given me the chance to afford school and living expenses, which has given me more time to focus on my studies, balance a job as well as extracurriculars, and seek out other opportunities. For example, I’m studying Arabic in Oman this summer through a Department of Defense initiative. My success as a college student would not have been possible without the financial assistance I received from the KMC Scholarship.

Meanwhile, Eleanor Hickman is at Auburn University studying Political Science and German. Her dream is to work for the State Department or at an embassy. “I have chosen my intended career after participating in Model United Nations in high school. We went to an international conference in Prague where I was able to discuss and create policies with students from all over Europe. It is important to me to go down a career path where I feel like I can help improve the lives of others and also work on a team where I am constantly challenged by other people's ideas and perspectives, and I am continuously learning.”

The Hickmans’ mother Jennifer says the KMC Scholarships have relieved some of the financial burden on their family. “Next year we will have three kids in college, and we have retired from active duty with no jobs lined up yet. The Ramstein Officers’ Spouses’ Club has put this momma's heart at ease with these scholarships. Please know that these scholarships will not go to waste! I have loved being a part of ROSC and the Ramstein Bazaar committee in the past, and I save all my big purchases for the Ramstein Bazaar because it benefits our community so much! The scholarships are the biggest reason I love the Bazaar. ROSC has helped so many people achieve their dream of an education! Thank you, ROSC! You are amazing!”

Adrianna Cook

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Adrianna Cook’s dream is to pursue a career with Homeland Security or the State Department after being inspired by her experiences as a military dependent and JROTC cadet. Last year, Adrianna attended the AFJROTC Flight Academy, which was a full ride scholarship to receive her private pilot’s license. After graduating from Ramstein High School, she attended Randolph-Macon Academy before she headed to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Florida. Adrianna plans to major in Global Conflict with a minor in Flight.

“I still do have to pay some dues to attend prep school, so the KMC Scholarship will help me gather more flight hours on my listings to pursue my pilot’s slot,” said Adrianna. “Thank you so much for investing in me. I was shocked to receive this incredible amount, and I am forever grateful.”

Katrina Bailey

University of Minnesota

“It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. I want to be a reporter, or I want to write for Time Magazine. I want to tell people what’s going on, to spread awareness of different issues going on.”

Katrina says the KMC scholarship helps alleviate some of the financial burdens that come with higher education costs. “My room and board is pretty expensive when you’re first starting out. I wasn’t able to apply to many scholarships, because we’re overseas, and it’s a little harder. So this scholarship is great. Thank you for allowing me to apply.”

Lucy Adkins

Rutgers University Graduate School for Dance Education

Lucy has been dancing for as long as she can remember. She trained in ballet until she was 18 years old, but through Rutgers University, she’s been exposed to all types of dance including Classic Indian, Filipino, and other cultures. And her dream is to teach others.

“Dance education is something I’ve been passionate about for awhile, and it’s a way you can have kids from all different types of backgrounds come together and get to learn that’s not as stressful as taking a math class,” said Adkins. “It doesn’t really matter where you’re coming from. You can just dance. You don’t even have to speak the same language. My dream job would be teaching dance in a special education class. I’m hoping to get my special education certification eventually.”

Lucy says she’s grateful for the KMC Scholarship, because college is costly. “My parents help out a lot, but this money will take a lot of stress off of me and my parents. Rutgers is expensive, and adding on the grad school is so much more.

Jason & Juliana Dine

A couple of recipients of the KMC Scholarship are brother and sister, Jason and Julianna Dine. Julianna is currently attending Georgia Southern University, and her goal is to work in the medical field, specifically becoming a sonographer. “The KMC Scholarship will help me, because the last thing I want out of college is student loan debt. My fear is leaving college with a bunch of money due, so I’d like to get my schooling paid off each year, so I’m already set and stress free. And I can focus on getting what I need done in school, so I can be successful each year.”

Meanwhile, Jason is attending Columbus State University studying cyber security. “Cybersecurity is a really up and growing field, and I think I’d be really good at it. Eventually, I’d like to start my own tech company starting cybersecurity and consulting, and maybe move into pen testing. The KMC Scholarship will really help me pay for college, so I can graduate debt free and focus on getting my job and starting my own tech company. Thank you so much for the scholarship! I have to pay my way through college, so every scholarship helps.”