Hangar Leads
Hangar Leads work together in the hangars and the tent during Bazaar operations. Hangar Leads will be expected to attend hangar and tent taping, direct vendor traffic during vendor setup, work together to solve problems during setup and during Bazaar operations, and to direct vendor traffic out of the hangars after the close of business and tearing down of the hangars and tent.
Ideal Hangar Leads will have positive personalities and strong work ethics and must be able to resolve issues with vendors and other Team Members in a professional manner while at the Bazaar. Hangar Leads will report directly to the Hangar Operations Manager before, during, and after Bazaar operations.
Hangar TEAM members must donate at least 40 hours before, during, and after this year’s Bazaar operations in order to receive full recognition as a Team Member.
Team members will be required to attend at least one hangar walk-through and one hangar taping training prior to the Bazaar.
If you are interested in volunteering as a Hangar Lead, please visit our Committee Interest Form page.